

In art therapy, the client creates art in connection with the art therapist. No special skill or know-how in art is required. Instead, creativity springs from its own source and is free. Creativity and the relationship with the art therapist are important aspects of the therapy itself, which fosters strength, balance, self-awareness and added creativity.

Visual expression can often express the most complex and sensitive aspects of the human soul better than words can. In some instances, the client discusses his or her creations with the therapist. In those discussions, a relationship is forged between non-verbal visual thinking and the process of verbal expression. Through relating images and words, the issue in question often becomes more clear and defined, which increases the possibility of finding solutions.

The art therapist seeks to offer the client understanding and to help him or her see the problem in relation to other related factors, without judgement. This helps foster the client’s acceptance of himself or herself, as well as a higher sense of self-esteem.

Art therapy can benefit almost anyone. This is particularly true of children or individuals who have arrested verbal development, as a great deal of expression takes place non-verbally. It is also an excellent form of therapy for all those who want to increase self-awareness and growth through non-verbal artistic expression.

The framework is an important part of the therapy. This includes a vow of confidentiality on the part of the therapist and a commitment from the client to regularly attend art therapy sessions in a quiet and secure environment. Thus, the individual is given the necessary prerequisite for working through issues and feelings.

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